The feelings, that come up when the world is going mad…
Lately, I didn´t feel like creating anything, writing, posting, or consulting anyone. It was and still is a combination of many things. The things that are happening outside me and my world, and the things that are happening inside me, my family, and what is dear to my heart. Mostly, because of the war in our dear Ukraine, many limiting beliefs came back to me about myself.
Some of them sound like this:
🌻All the things I´m doing with my coaching are nonsense. People are fighting, running, dying, and what am I doing?
🌻What am I kidding? I´m not smart enough. What would I say to a woman who is running for her life?
🌻Who cares what I have to say?
🌻Do I even know why I do what I do? What´s the purpose of it all?
🌻Am I just wasting my time with all this coaching thing? And many more voices like this in my head.
I´m sure being ill with covid also added to the emotional rollercoaster, but it´s like someone stole wish to create, wish to act. It´s like I feel guilty showing my life, sharing my knowledge, because it felt so lame in the light of the current events.
This is not the first time I feel guilty for being happy, for enjoying small everyday things, for sharing my knowledge, because I don´t want to offend anyone who is maybe not as fortunate as I am.
But then again… Who would be happier if I stop laughing? Who would become happier if I stop creating? Who will it help to see me sad and devastated? There is a bigger chance that if I´m happy, if I´m energetic, if I´m love, I can help someone next to me in need of happiness, in need of energy, in need of love…
These difficult times call for reflection. For me to reflect on many limiting beliefs still haunting me. For overthinking what is right and wrong and just doing what I feel is the best for everyone, including myself.
❤️How are you feeling? Does it sound familiar to you what I´m writing here? Did you ever make yourself seem smaller, your life seem sadder, so you don´t offend anyone?
We grow the most through the most difficult times. Let´s grow into a better version of ourselves, so together we can build a better version of the world.
A lot of love, hugs, warms, hope to those who need it.